
mirroring of http://blog.goo.ne.jp/unconsciousnessdiary


Apple Radio1の方はとにかくゼインの話してることが聴き取れないので難航中。仕方がないので(?)、今回は『Liner Voice +』英語版のPart 6、『気分じゃないの(Not In The Mood)』のセルフライナーノーツの前半部分を文字起こしして翻訳したのを載せておく。前回同様雑なので間違いも既に含まれているし(直す前にタイムアッブ)、あれやこれやと粗挽きモードなのだが、何もないよりはマシだろうということで。


で、ほぼ日本語版と同じなので自分が翻訳しようもしてもただひたすらに日本語版に近づいていくだけになってしまうので今回は試しに書き起こし英語部分をまるごとGoogle翻訳にかけてみた。You knowやwhat I meanといった合いの手系の文を中心に2割ほどは手直ししたが大筋Google先生のものである。それで大体意味の通る文章に仕上がっているので、つまりヒカルの話す英語は口語の割に結構しっかりとした英文になってるってことだろう。以下である。

『From the album BAD MODE, the 6th song is KIBUN JA NAI NO (Not In The Mood). Amm, this is the one of my favorite songs on the album. It was the last one which I had a really hard time with. I knew that I really really wanted to include this song in the album. I mean that, you know, the music was done, I mean, you know, the chords on things had done. And I had a melody. And its just, its only problem was lyrics. And leading up to it I wanted to, leading up this final day that I needed it to finish for the song, recording vocals but I had been feeling quite down. I mean, you know, a lot of people around me said this too. For me a couple of weeks leading up Christmas is really difficult time every year, and then I got very sad and I also it's, you know, it's a time of quite pressure, socially anything isn't it? I had physically ill and different things happened. And then I had a sad feeling when I do feel them, I'm really hard to reach out to my friends or anyone. That was the feeling I wanted to capture I knew that , but all I had were this English a bit that I happend beginning of the song when I wrote the song

Rain, rain go away

Fall on me another day

I'm not in the mood today

but I didn't know what to do with. It seemed to represent some kind of sadness I knew that but I didn't know what else to write. And the final day I thought "Oh My God!", I almost gave up. I didn't think I could write the lyrics. Do you have anything else? And I did what I usually do what I need to the lyrics, amm, I mean, trying to exploration, I walked around a lot, ocassionally stopped by in cafes and I was sitting at this cafe, outside the seat. And I just notice these crazy colours of the furniture they had. And I just begun I thought You know, I'm gonna try, things for anything like this. just gonna try writing I just start writing the song, writing about the things I noticed things that stand out to me, just things I see, things around me. I did that and it was... It worked !

What was nice about it was that I think I was trying too hard to express something or tap into something I'm feeling. And instead of discribing myself or trying to figure what I was feeling, myself as the first person singing the song, being in the song. Not really as a character but more just as a gaze, my gaze is only thing really throughout for the most of song. And that actually really captured how I was feeling like being an outsider almost not. This was observing things around me and feeling like I don't really exist or that I don't really belong to that, just looking at things observing.

So that was going well and I've got very excited and I kept on into the evening I walked and walked and ended up in Camden...』

「アルバムBADMODEから6曲目は『気分じゃないの(Not In TheMood)』。うん、これはアルバムで私のお気に入りの一曲です。それは私が(アルバム制作の)最後に本当に苦労したものでした。この曲をアルバムに入れたいと強く願っていました。音楽やコード進行はできていたし、メロディもありました。しかし唯一の問題は歌詞でした。この最終日を締めくくる為にボーカルを録音する必要があったのですが、その時私はかなり落ち込んでいました。私の周りの多くの人も言うのですが、私にとって、クリスマスまでの数週間は毎年本当に大変な時期なのです。その時期私はとても悲しくなります。かなりのプレッシャーがかかる時期です。私は体調が悪く、さまざまなことが起こりました。そして、それを感じたとき、私は悲しい気持ちになりました。友達や誰かに連絡するのも難しかったし。それが私が捉えたかった気持ちでしたが、私が持っていたのは、曲を書き始めた時に出来ていたこの英語の部分だけでした。

Rain rain go away

Fall on me another day

I'm not in the mood today





Google先生の何に驚いたって、『(Not In The Mood)』の邦訳が早くも「気分じゃない」になっていたところ。これ、最初に(多分1月19日に?)Google先生に訊いた時にはこうじゃなかった気がするのよな。1ヶ月足らずでビッグデータを収集してこの訳に落ち着いたのだとすればヒカルさんの影響力も大したものだ。それを捉えた先生も凄いけど。いやま、たまたまかもしれんがね。
